Wallisch Homestead

Culinary Herb Progr

This year Nature Connection of West Milford is piloting a culinary and medicinal herb garden at the Wallisch Homestead. Our goal is to grow, harvest and deliver enough fresh organic herbs to support a few of our local restaurants in town. Later in the season, we hope to provide those same herbs in a dried form for both culinary and medicinal uses.

Last season, we had a chance to build a dedicated culinary herb plot at Wallisch. Thanks to the helpful hands of a few volunteers, we tested the concept and learned which herbs grow best in the plot. Organic oregano, a variety of peppermint, parsley, basil, cilantro and more were successful. 

Despite a late start, we were able to provide fresh herbs to the Vreeland Store for four weeks last year. Owner, Fran Lanza, was excited to partner with Wallisch and the Organic Community Gardens and to have her chef include the herbs in a variety of recipes. We also donated 50+ jars of dried herbs with culinary and medicinal recipes to community members and local food pantries for the holidays. From peppermint tea to oregano oil, there are so many fun uses for our taste buds and our health!

At the end of the 2024 season, we plan to sell jars of dried herbs and accompanying recipes from local cooks and herbalists. Look for us at our winter market and other holiday events. 

Culinary Herb Garden Program Leader: Jessica MccannDampan

We are so excited to welcome Jessica MccannDampman in this new leadership role as our Program Leader. Jessica has been with the Wallisch Community Garden and will be using her experience to lead a team of six gardeners in liaising with Friends of Wallisch Homestead leaders on this project. 

During the coming season we hope to set growing goals, and adjust the existing garden as necessary to accommodate those goals. Jessica will guide volunteers, ensuring compliance with local and state regulations, tracking revenue and expenses, as well as identifying interested restaurants and growing and preparing the organic herbs they need. We are excited to have Jessica bring her own culinary and medicinal herb skills and knowledge to the table as she educates and informs the community on the benefits of organic herbs. 

Thank you Jessica for bringing your talents to this role as an important member of our local community gardens.

To learn more about the Culinary Herb Garden Program, or to get involved, email Cathy at cgb2673@optonline.net

Community Gardens September Update

Wallisch Community Gardens

The growing season at the Wallisch Homestead organic community garden is blooming!

Our social coordinator, Jean, organized a beautiful new moon party on August 16th. We gathered to share, scribe and bury our intentions. Planting new seeds, a traditional new moon activity, was an added bonus to celebrate the event.

We may not see them on a regular basis, but many volunteers have been keeping our property well maintained. We’d like to off our many thanks to:

  • Donna, Neil and Jim for keeping the grass mowed and whacked

  • Dori for keeping the water tank filled

  • David and Mary Beth for fixing the gates

  • Sierra for planting the flowers along the borders

  • Jean for organizing our social gatherings

Culinary Herb Program

Our culinary herbs are gaining strength. The basil, mint and parsley is filling out quite well. Our Culinary Herb pilot program will be with two restaurants over the course of three weeks this month. We are setting a good foundation for next year.

For any topics related to the above or the Wallisch Community Garden, please reach out to Cathy Bruce at cgb2673@optonline.net or 201-264-3528.

Apple Acres

Congratulations to Anne and Apple Acres for earning 2nd prize for community gardens in the 2023 Dirt Kitchen Garden Tour!

We are surrounded by boundless beauty and energy from the places, spaces and people who share our garden journeys. Thank you!

Wallisch Homestead Barn Sale!

Friends of Wallisch Homestead are excited to announce the return of the annual BARN SALE!!! The sale of donated goods begins on Friday, April 16th from 6-9PM, continues through Saturday, April 17th from 10AM-4PM and again on Sunday, April 18th, from 10AM-3PM. It will be held in the barn at 65 Lincoln Avenue, West Milford, NJ 07480. If you have any questions, please email us at wallischhomestead@gmail.com.
