Community Garden Updates


Sunday May 21st was Opening Day at Apple Acres and it was a wonderful success!  We had a great turnout with a perfect mixture of seasoned gardeners and newly joined members.  It was heartwarming to see how perfectly everyone got along.  

The day began with bagels, fruit salad and coffee, organized and arranged by our outstanding Social Director. The spread was completed when one of our gardeners arrived with the most delicious crumb cake......this was completely devoured.  

With the eating and socializing behind us we helped new gardeners till their plots and attended to our own where needed. It was a wonderful day and we were so happy to be a part of it!!!

We also wanted to announce the creation of a fund in honor of one of our gardeners who passed away last fall after a battle with cancer. All donations supporting the fund will go toward the purchase of a new picnic table to replace one of our aging ones. We are also going to create a carved plaque to be placed under the tree in the flower garden. Please contact us if you are interested in contributing.

Garden Coordinators

Peggy White & Sue Latchford


The basis of Ample Harvest is to rescue produce for gardeners that grow too much… Don’t let your produce go to waste in the garden—collect it and donate it to the local food pantry. Pantry clients benefit with nutritious, fresh-grown food.

Last year we donated 300 pounds of fresh produce, which was distributed to Queen of Peace, West Milford Presbyterian, St. Joseph’s, Holy Faith Lutheran and SOS Shelter. This year we have a chance to greatly increase our impact!

The Organic Community Gardens, under Nature Connection of West Milford, are hosting two plots for 100% organic produce donation to our local food pantries—one at Apple Acres and one at Wallisch. 

Team Wallisch was able to prepare the new plot for Ample Harvest at the garden workday, May 21st. HOORAY!!

Our dedicated plots are intended to promote growing for donation to those in need. We encourage  our community gardeners to grow a little extra and/or donate your excess to the food insecure in our local area. Team Ample Harvest will gladly harvest your excess for you.

Ample Harvest is looking for volunteers to weed, water, tend and harvest the plots - Jim and Kim are signed up at Wallisch. Courtney is signed up at Wallisch and Apple Acres. Looking are always seeking additional volunteers to help water, tend and harvest our plots during our work days, or any days. Ample Harvest workdays are planned for Saturday mornings at Apple Acres,  and weekdays at Wallisch. Harvests are aligned to the food pantry operating hours so produce is distributed fresh. 

Snowpeas, radish and beets are sprouting in the Apple Acres plot. Thanks to Barbara at Midsummer Farms for healthy donation of plants for Ample Harvest.

Upcoming Ample Harvest events:

  • Weed and water (ongoing)

  • Flags will be coming out (mid to late June) 

  • Harvest (target start date mid to late June)

Suggestions for improving our operation are always welcome.

Please reach out to Cathy Bruce to join the West Milford Ample Harvest team!


Welcome Jessica and Courtney as new members to the Wallisch garden !

Thanks to for helping out during our most recent work day!

New plots are in progress… the Wallisch team, comprised of Kim, Jim, Kathy, Courtney, Jessica, Jean and Jim, completed assembly of one single and one double plot. Jessica got straight to work loading her new plot with soil. The double plot was started with soil and will be used for Ample Harvest. 

More manure will be acquired for the Wallisch garden and we will need additional cardboard to complete the remaining plots. More topsoil will also be acquired if needed.

Wallisch still has two plots open for any interested gardener! 

Gardeners also got a chance to take in the upcoming Art Show. The view of the garden from inside the barn is quite lovely.

Please join us for a City Green workshop at the West Milford Library on May 30th at 6pm: Dirt Matters! Growing Healthy Garden Soil