Native and Medicinal Garden September Update

The Native Garden is thriving! Echinacea is in full flower and goldenrod is just beginning to bloom. During our August gardening day, we evaluated what needs to be transplanted and gave a garden tour to one visitor. Karen and John spent the day planting. That included several baby catnip on the hillside, and a young witch hazel tree, a larger catnip and a couple of tobacco plants up top. John and Karen donated the catnip from the forest of it surrounding their house, and the witch hazel and tobacco were donated to us by Barbara and Mark from Midsummer Farm in Warwick. They have been amazing plant benefactors of our garden—thank you both!!! The red cardinal flower and blue lobelia plants she gave us last year are just starting to bloom and the angelica is flourishing.

Please visit Midsummer Farm online or in person to learn about what they are doing, the plants they are selling and the classes they are teaching. There are two more gardening days left this season (September 17th and October 22nd 11:30a - 3:30p). Next month we will be transplanting some of our friends who have escaped their beds and are traveling afar. Please join us!

Happy Gardening!