November Education Days with NCWM

Bees, butterflies, birds and a variety of other pollinators are integral to our food supply and planet as a whole. During our October Education night, Jodi Bross from Glenwild Gardens showed us which native plants attract and support those pollinators and how easy they are to grow on our lawns. Three lucky attendees received a potted perennial pollinator plant from Glenwild, and we all received seeds to plant in our own garden this fall. Milkweed pods, and sweet pea seeds, and a variety of other seeds suitable to grow before first frost were given to participants along with a pollinator garden map, and a 20% coupon from Glenwild to help fill in their garden. 

Several of those in attendance shared pictures of the gardens they planted this fall and again in the summer when everything is in bloom. Got a pollinator garden? Send us your pictures!

Our November education night included a screening of this provocative and informative documentary that answers questions about genetically modified organisms and how they affect our children, the health of our planet and our freedom of choice. GMO OMG is a timely, informative, entertaining, and ultimately insightful documentary about the question that is a growing concern to citizens around the world; who controls the future of our food? 

Popcorn was served and a 30 minute discussion about GMOs followed the screening. 


Upcoming Events:

Winter Celebration Get Together  

December 14th, 7-9pm

West Milford Library

Come and celebrate the season with nature-minded people like yourself! Bring a friend and mingle with fellow gardeners, farmers market shoppers and other local residents that are making the connection. Bring a dish to share, and join us to enjoy some great seasonal music, great conversation, ornament making, games and more! Please RSVP to our FB Event page or to